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I want to preface this piece and give honor to my friend Reginald. I lost him back in 2021 to COVID-19 and I dedicate this poem to him. He was such an amazing human being and in my heart of hearts I feel as if he was taken too soon. We never know the day or hour in which our time will cease on this earth, so I urge you to life your life to the fullest.

Recently I took a trip to South Carolina and I was able to visit where his body lay rest. I recited this poem while sitting in front of his tombstone. I pray you are blessed by it.

As I laid down to sleep, I visualized your smile,

Your big brown eyes staring at me from across 3000 miles,

You extended your arm to grab my hand,

The hairs on my body started to take command,

I can hear your calming voice, that deep vibrational tone,

As you whispered my name (Cassie), I knew I was not alone.

I could feel the heat of your words tingling in my ears.

I was reminded at that moment that there’s nothing to fear.

I took one long breath slowly in and then out,

As my lungs expanded, my spirit began to shout.

Don’t stop, I whispered, hold on to me tight,

Never let me go and everything will be alright.

You told me that you loved me and you would always be here,

I believed you, I received you and then you just up and disappeared.

I was at a loss for words and my mind went blank,

My thoughts started to wander and my heart completely sank,

Deep down into the abyss of hurt and despair,

I looked up to the heavens and started my prayer

My God its been 28 months since he left this earth,

His body lays dormant in the South Carolina dirt,

He speaks to me often and visits me in my dreams,

Constantly reminding me that I am a Queen,

You deserved to be loved, understood and respected,

Your King is out there and you will be protected

Don’t you dare give up, cave in, or quit

Keep pressing towards the mark because you are the shit!

You Got This!!

Sending you all, love light and positive vibes!

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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Oct 22, 2023

I just love your poetry xx - K


Oct 22, 2023

Beautiful words dedicated to your person. I'm sure he is smile down on you.

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