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Get Out and Vote!


We are 31 days until Election day and my question to you is have you registered to vote? Just the other day a young adult in my family wanted to talk about politics.  They walked into the house and immediately asked me who I was voting for. I told them I was voting for democracy. To which they responded, "oh so you are voting for Kamala." I said yes. They responded, "well Trump said he was going to stop taxing us when we work overtime."  To which I said, "that sounds nice, but you have to look way beyond just lifting the OT tax." You do realized that whoever is president is responsible for nominating all federal judges in the judicial branch and specified officers in cabinet-level departments, independent agencies, the military services, the Foreign Service, and uniformed civilian services, as well as U.S. attorneys and U.S. marshals. "What does that have to do with me," my family member said.  I responded, "remember how upset you were about Mr. Marcellus "Kaliifah" Williams who executed last week?" Yes, they said.  "Well Trump was the president who nominated 3 out of the 6 judges who voted to take that man's life despite the new evidence exonerating him," I said.  One thing I never want to discuss is politics or religion especially when the conversation can go left really quickly.

The one person who I used to discuss politics with was my grandma Soper but since she passed in 2016, I haven't really paid too much attention like I did when she was alive. And to tell you the truth, politics confuse me some.  It wasn't until Trump was elected in 2017 that I really wanted to know how our federal government works.  In my opinion, it was a game to him and so he didn't take the position very seriously. 

Do you realize that voting is one of the most powerful tools that are available to us in a democracy.  It is the way we as voters can shape policies, laws, and leadership in our country, state and local governments.  It is so important, but most people don't even get out and vote.  Either they don't care, don't have a way to get to the polling stations, or just don't understand and so they don't even try. I want to share with you some reasons why voting should matter to you.

  1. Voting Shapes Public Policy (your vote influencing the decision makers)

  2. Voting Holds Elected Officials Accountable (voting give you a chance to make changes in your community)

  3. Voting gives you representation. (more people who look like you are elected into positions)

  4. Voting Preserves Democracy (Exercising your right to vote, preserves the democratic system)

These are just a few of the reasons voting is important. Voting is one of the simples yet most impactful was to engage in civic life.  It gives you the power to influence decisions that affect your life, but the lives of the future generation. Don't let this essential right To Vote, go unused.

Your vote is your VOICE - make sure its HEARD!

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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