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  • cassiekarch

It's Mother's Day

I bet you didn't know the origin of Mother's Day! Fun Fact: Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, whose mother had organized women's groups to promote friendship and health, originated Mother's Day. On May 12, 1907, she held a memorial service at her late mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia. Ms. Anna created this day to honor the mothers and the sacrifices they make for their children. I would only hope that you have been celebrating your mom all year long but if not today is an extra special day just for her. Today we salute all of our mothers, motherly figures, aunties, grandmas and all of you who have stepped into the motherly role for the children that you care for.  If no one tells you that you are loved today I want to tell you I LOVE YOU & GOD LOVES YOU!!!  

While my grandma was here on this earth, I had the opportunity to celebrate her all the time and her love for me was unmatched. I remember our last Christmas with her in 2015 and I miss her so much.  She ultimately passed away at the old age of 85 in March of 2016. My mom and I had a tumultuous relationship and now that I am older, I understand why.  We had good and bad days and once I became a mother our relationship was on the mend. If you've read my book "Identity Cry-Sis" you know that I was born to a sixteen-year-old girl, and it is not an easy thing for a teenager to become a mother. We had a major blow up when her mother, my grandma was on her deathbed and unfortunately, my mom and I didn't reconcile until she was near her death and cancer took her away from us in 2017. She was only 58. But I am thankful for those last few days with her when she was able to speak to me and let me know how she truly felt. I was able to do the same with her.  I truly believe both her and grandma are smiling down on me and are super proud of who I am today.

According to the bible, in a loving mother, we can see God, who longs to gather his people like a mother hen would gather her chicks under her wings (Matthew 23:37).  For some people, their mothers are their greatest heroes.  Us children are the fruit of her labor and love. Don't get me wrong, not all ladies who have children were meant to be mothers and that is why God gave us other women who step up to that role and assist with our children. And for those women, I am grateful indeed.

There is nothing like a mother's love. When I think about Jochebed the mother of Moses who loved her baby so much that she defied the Egyptian King's order and kept Moses alive for 3 months. All the boy babies under 2 years old were sentenced to death by the King. When she could no longer hide him at home, she made a special waterproof basket and put Moses in it. This story is found in Exodus 2:2-9.  Jochabed risked her life and the life of her family to protect her son. When I think about the sacrifices my mom made for us, she should have been celebrated more often. 

Now it’s possible you are someone reading this, and you don't celebrate this holiday and that is your prerogative.  My only hope is that while reading this blog post it causes you to celebrate all your loved ones, not just your mothers. We have to honor people while they are living here on this earth and give them their flowers while they can smell them. If your funds are low, stop by the dollar tree and pick up a card, pen a note in it and give it to your loved one. It is the thought that counts and it doesn't take much to show someone you love them.

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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