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It's okay to cry


Over the past couple of weeks, I have been really emotional and needing to let the tears flow but haven't been able to really release.  It's like I have to give myself permission to do it.  I really don't know why this is, but I am determined to find out why. So many reasons, but none that have helped me understand it, yet.  I was talking to a friend of mine at her store and all of the sudden I felt sadness wash over me and right in that moment I felt the need to cry.  As I was speaking with her, I could feel my voice cracking and at the end of my statement, she stopped me.  She said, "do me a favor, when you leave here and go to your car, I want you to sit there and let it all out.  Don't leave the parking lot, until you have cried." I nodded in agreement and made a mental note of my promise.  We finished our conversation; I completed what I went to her store to do and then I headed to my car. I still felt sadness, but not as much as I was in the beginning of our discussion. I got into my car, and it was as if I no longer needed to cry anymore. I tried to put on some sad music and that didn't help me either.  It was as if the well had dried up for now and didn't need to let loose.


It's like I have had to be strong for so long that it is foreign to me to let tears fall. It's only when something tragic happens or I am missing a loved one who has passed on, especially my grandma, when the tears are able to easily fall.  Am I the only one who feels as if I need permission to let go and release? Maybe you reading this have had that issue too. It is as if I have become numb to my feelings and all I can ask myself is why? Don't worry, I am in therapy as I write these questions and working things out. 


Some may see crying as weak, but I say crying makes you stronger, especially in the spiritual realm.  Crying is a form of cleansing and allows for a closer connection to a higher power.  There are times that I can be so deep in worship that all I can do is cry and let the tears flow.  When we cry, we are able to access our deepest emotions and connect with our souls.  Crying helps us release pain & grief and opens us up to healing and spiritual growth. 


There are so many practical reasons crying is vital to our lives. It plays a key role in our mental and physical wellbeing. Below are just a few ways in which crying enhances our lives.

1.      Emotional Release - crying allows us to process and release built up emotions such as sadness, stress, or frustration.

2.      Stress Reduction - tears shed during emotional crying contain stress hormones and toxins. Releasing them can lower stress levels.

3.      Improved mood - crying stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals.

4.      Better emotional awareness - crying helps us connect with our feelings and understand our emotional state.

5.      Social connection - crying can signal to others that we need support.

6.      Physical benefits - tears help lubricate and protect the eyes, flushing out irritants and preventing dryness.

7.      Healing and growth- allowing ourselves to cry can help us confront and process difficult experiences, leading to growth and healing.

Crying is a natural part of being a human. Yes, it can be uncomfortable at times but it's a healthy way to deal with life's challenges.  I say let the tears flow and find yourself free of all those toxins. I mean, it’s really toxic. Have you ever tasted your tears? I have and it's salty and being salty at times can be a bad thing if it's consistent.  For those of you who don't know, salty in the context that I am using it means being unreasonably upset, annoyed or resentful. None of those things are good for you.


"Crying doesn't mean you are weak. Sometimes it’s what you need to do to get strong again." J.W. Lynne

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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