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Listen to our young people!


When was the last time you sat down and had a real conversation with the youth of today? A month ago, I was afforded the opportunity to participate in a "Writing Camp" for youth girls ages 13-19 and it was 5 seconds short of amazing. The amount of wisdom that came out of these babies' mouths had me awestruck.  I can't remember a time where I actually sat down and conversed with my own children when they were that age, and my only thought would be these youth definitely had some wisdom too. You see, when my kids were the ages of these young people, I was working 2-3 jobs to support our family, and I was heavily involved in ministry. I never really took the time to sit down with them. It was always the understanding that I was the parent, they were the kids and we both just played our perspective roles. More to come about that in my 3rd book.  I am from the era where children are seen and not heard but realize that now is the time to listen to what our youth have to say.

So, during one of the plenary times the topic of relationships was discussed. The question was asked, what makes a solid relationship, to which both youth girls in my group responded, honesty, love, respect, and acceptance.  To which I added, communication and understanding.  We were given a directive to talk about a relationship we had, it didn't matter the type.  I spoke about the relationship I have with my dad. How it wasn't always the way it is now as I did not grow up with him in our home and for a time in the past our relationship was strained.  We now make a conscious effort to make the relationship work by calling each other and keeping the communication lines open.  While I was discussing my dad, one of the youths decided to speak about their parent and something that happened when they were 3 years old. How their parent failed to communicate and clarify exactly what was happening between both of their parents and it caused this young child to be confused, angry and hurt.  Now, at the age of 16 this youth can understand why it needed to happen and they are at peace. During this group time these two young people brought a fresh perspective, creativity, and innovative thinking to our conversation. Their insights and ideas were invaluable in shaping the discussion.

"Out of the mouth of babes" is a phrase that originates from the Bible specifically from Psalm 8:2 and Matthew 21:16. It is used to express the idea that children, in their innocence and simplicity, can often speak profound truths or offer wisdom that is surprisingly insightful. The phrase is often employed when a child says something unexpectedly wise, honest, or perceptive.  All I am saying is, as adults, we have more life experiences but don't count our youth out because they definitely have something to say.

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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Sep 15, 2024

Thank you for the reminder 💙

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