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  • cassiekarch


Have you ever felt overwhelmed?  It feels as if the world has laid heavy objects on your shoulders pushing them down. It might not be the whole world pushing you down, but it could be something in your little world. I have always been the provider in my family, always on the move.  At times I find it difficult to just sit down and rest and do nothing. I find myself constantly on the go, always making the next thing happen or figuring out a way to overcome an obstacle. If you read last week's blog post, you would know this most recent hurdle is securing financing for a new roof.  Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who encouraged me to sit my butt down. Now this isn't the first time someone close to me has told me to sit down. I've heard it from my friends, sister, and daughters many times, but this time it carried a bit of a super punch.  

I know my friend cares deeply for me and they would never be mean to me on purpose, but it was their delivery and tone that caused me to sit up and listen to the words they were saying and really pay attention.  They asked me when the last time  I actually sat down and just thought about how far I had come and what I had accomplished.  Even in the midst of the current storm I am weathering, which I have to go through to get through, I responded, I can't remember.  Then they said to me, “if you can't remember that means it has been a long time or maybe never.  I need you to pause and take a moment to reflect.  If it takes a month, five months, a year or five years, you need to sit down.” They said, “you are overwhelmed because you haven't taken the time to pause and breathe because all you do is, go go go!  SIT YOUR BEHIND DOWN!! “

What does it mean to be overwhelmed? It means to be buried or drowning beneath a huge mess. Sometimes it can mean having a defeated mindset in the midst of that mess. One of my friends says this to me all the time, we create our own tornadoes and hurricanes.  And being overwhelmed is just that, a windstorm that we have created in our own lives. There is always a way out of our messes, but we have to take the time to strategize and plan to attack it head on and we will come out on the other side. 

Feeling overwhelmed can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to manage and overcome it. Here are a few to help you get through those feelings.

·  Break your tasks into smaller steps.

·  Prioritize what's most important

·  Practice mindfulness (deep breathing or meditation can calm your mind)

·  Set boundaries, with yourself and others.

·  Take breaks when you need to (even God rested on the 7th day)

·  Ask for help (closed mouth doesn't get fed)

·  Limit your desire to multitask.

·  Practice Self-Compassion (it’s okay to feel overwhelmed)

·  Organize your space (clutter can equal to chaos)

·  Create a routine (structure can make tasks feel more predictable and manageable)

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and regain a sense of control.  Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and things take time. You will get your tasks done but it doesn't have to be completed all at once.

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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