Just a week ago I took my dad to lunch and a movie to celebrate his 66th birthday. It can be extremely difficult to get my dad to take time off, so I make it my business to force him to set aside 4 hours every year on his birthday so he can celebrate. When my dad was growing up, they didn't celebrate birthdays, or holidays. So, every year when his big day comes around, I call him and wish him well and then tell him to set aside some time on a specific day for me.
Quality time is of the utmost importance to me, it is one of my top love languages. Almost everything in this world can be replaced, but time cannot. When you spend time with someone it shows them, they are valuable to you. I don't mean time where our cell phones can be an interrupter, I want time where we are actually engaging with one another or doing an activity together. It could be having a cup of coffee at a diner while having a great conversation or watching a tv show together. It means the world to me when I have your undivided attention, and we are strengthening the bond we already have.
We must remember that quality time is not just about being physically present: it's also about being emotionally and mentally engaged. It's about creating meaningful moments that leave a lasting impact. We have to be intentional about the time we are spending with each other. Some of you may be asking why quality time is important and here is why.
1. Strengthens Relationships (meaningful interactions build trust, understanding, and emotional intimacy).
2. Improves Mental and Emotional Health (feeling valued and heard reduces stress, anxiety, and loneliness).
3. Enhances Communication (spending time together allows for open conversation, improving understanding and minimizing misunderstandings).
4. Creates Lasting Memories (special moments spent with loved ones become cherished memories that provide happiness and nostalgia).
There are so many ways we can spend quality time with the people we love, but one thing we must always do is BE PRESENT. Make sure we put our phones away, ridding ourselves of distraction and give each other our undivided attention. Engaging in activities together is a great way as well. Each year when I take my dad to the movies and we share a meal together, I create a tradition that strengthens our relationship over time. It's sitting in each other's presence, having a meaningful conversation while practicing mindfulness and savoring each moment. Oftentimes people won't remember what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
In a world where our time is constantly slipping away, making an effort to spend quality time with each other is one of the most valuable investments we can make. It's not about the amount of time but the depth and meaning behind it. So, take a break, be present, and cherish every moment with your loved ones because that is what matters.
Sending you love, light and positive vibes,
Cassie K.
"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"