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Loving on our Elders!


What ever happened to looking out for your neighbor? When did we become so anti-social that we don't care about other humans? Truth be told, I blame part of this issue on our cell phones. We are so wrapped up in what's happening on our phones, that we can't be bothered with anyone or anything else. This is just one of the issues, it’s so sad that a young person will watch an elder struggle and not even offer them assistance. I know some of you will say, this issue is with how those young people were raised and I agree to a certain extent, but I also feel as if we have forgotten how to treat each other as humans.  

Just the other day, I pulled into a parking lot of a grocery store and as I was walking toward the entrance, I noticed this elderly old man, who reminded me of my Grandpa Karch, wandering around looking lost.  I asked him if he was okay, and he responded, "I can't find my car, I know I parked it in this row." I asked him what type of car it was, and he told me it was a 2017 Black Dodge Ram. I began helping him look for it.  When I didn't see it, I asked him for his keys. I said newer cars have a panic button on the key fob and when you press it, your car alarm should sound.  Well, this didn't work as I hoped it would but after 4 more minutes of looking, I located his vehicle.  He was so thankful and kept apologizing, saying that he was so stupid. I reassured him that I do the same thing sometimes.  I will get to the grocery store, park my car and then when I am finished shopping and go outside, I can't remember where I parked my car. I told him it happens more often than not. I assured him that he wasn't dumb, he probably just had a lot on his mind and forgot.  He left thankful, grateful, and reassured.  

It doesn't take much for us to look out for one another, especially our elders and children.  Philippians 2:4 (ESV) says, let each of you look not only to his own interests but to the interest of others.  I remember a story I saw on TikTok; the creator was talking about this same thing. He saw an elderly lady struggling with her groceries and he offered to carry them to her car. He grabbed all her bags with one arm and took his other arm to grab hers and walked her to her vehicle.  He helped her into her vehicle and put her groceries in her trunk .  She was extremely thankful for the help.  As she drove off, a young man approached this TikTok creator informing him that his mom was driving off without him.  The creator told the young person that this wasn't his mom, but she was his elder and he was trying to help her.  The young person didn't understand. He said you mean you’re not related to her. The TikTok creator said no, but she is an elder. Would you believe that this young person asked the TikTok creator if the elderly woman gave him a tip? Stating that he would not have helped without getting paid.  

Think about it? When was the last time you extended a helping hand to one of our elders? It only takes but a moment of your time to remind them that they are important, and you see them.  A lot of our elders have been forgotten and left to rot in nursing homes.  I know this from past experience when we used to visit our grandpa Don.  Most of those older people never received any visitors.  

Make it a point to today to extend a helping hand to your elder, whether you are related to them or not.  They deserve to be treated with human decency.

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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