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Time is of the essence!


Updated: Feb 25, 2023

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” How many of you have heard that saying before? I’ve heard it, ignored it, and kept going about my day. I’d convince myself that whatever it was could be done later, but what if later never comes?

Some of us have suffered loss in 2022. We didn’t realize that our time would be cut short with our loved ones. Thinking back, we wish we could have had one more hug, one more kiss or tell them that we loved them one more time. If we had the chance, maybe we would have even apologized for a wrong that we had done. Either way, we can’t change the past, but we can work toward a better future.

Time waits for no one, and we must utilize each minute we get. In today’s day and age of technology, it’s so much easier for us to reach out to each other, I urge you to reach out to someone you care for today. Send them a text, an email, mail them a postcard or pick up the phone and call them. If they don’t answer, leave them a short message telling them that you’re thinking of them. Those voice messages are the best! You never know what someone else may be going through and just knowing you care can mean the world to them!

Let us continue to encourage and uplift each other always!

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

**Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, LAUGH at everything and LOVE unconditionally**

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4 commenti

13 gen 2023

You are so right. We put off so many things and then never do them. I am going to do better this year! Thank you!

Mi piace

12 gen 2023

Thank you for this!! I needed it!

Mi piace

04 gen 2023

This was the perfect thing to start my day! I’m going forth to conquer!! As always Cassie, you’re a wordsmith and what you say changes lives. Thank you ,

thank you, thank you

Mi piace

04 gen 2023

Great read and inspirational!

Mi piace
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