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Moving with intention in 2025!

Can you believe we have made it to 2025? It seems like 2024 is gone in the blink of an eye, or is that just me? I have heard so many people say that 2024 was challenging for them.  We are still recovering from the aftereffects of the global pandemic. I learned a few weeks ago while listening to Mr. AJ Houston’s LIVE feed on Instagram, that it takes 5 years to fully recover from a catastrophe. I never really thought about that but when I think back to how each year has been since the pandemic for me and my family, it makes sense. So according to that information, we have one more year before we bounce back from that period of time. Then we should start to see some major improvements, not only in the United States but across the world.  


I want to talk to you all about moving with intention.  Almost every new year we set new year resolutions and within a week or two we have fallen off of the goals we set.  I believe it's because we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves. We haven't done the internal work on changing our minds and attitudes towards the goals we want to obtain. For instance, I was completing my goal bingo card, and my daughters noticed a few things that they wanted to bring to my attention.  One of my goals is to save $5000 dollars using my savings booklet, while another 8 goals is to travel both internationally and within the United States. All of these trips will cost quite a bit of money and if I am trying to save, how will I also spend?  My daughters convinced me to make a separate Bingo Goal card for my travels which I can complete over a period of time and to set more attainable goals for my 2025. I was setting unrealistic expectations for myself with my limited resources, and I needed to adjust my why's, my when's and my how's. So instead of those 8 places of travel on my card for 2025, I added learning how to dance salsa and taking myself on 5 solo dates.  The 3 things I've mentioned above are just a few of the things I will accomplish in this new year. It’s not all about hustle and bustle but about having fun with life too. 


In order for us to move with intention we have to align our actions with our values and goals. It's about mindfulness, focus and creating a life that feels meaningful to us.  There isn't anything we can't do if we set our mind to do it, but we have to also create the plan to get to it. Below I will give you a few ways in which you can move with intention in this new year.


1.      Pause and Reflect - before diving into your day, ask yourself what matters most to you. Doing this will help you prioritize and approach your day with clarity. 

2.      Set Meaningful Goals - check your bingo card or vision board and see which of those goals you can work on.

3.      Be Present - moving with intention requires us to be fully present. Avoid distractions and engage deeply within the moment.

4.      Eliminate the non-essential - simplify your schedule by saying no to tasks and obligations that don't serve a purpose in your life.

5.      Check in with Yourself - throughout your day, pause to ask yourself: am I acting in alignment with my goals and values? If you need a break, take it. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

6.      Celebrate your small wins - progress, no matter how small, is still progress and deserves acknowledgement.

7.      Always end your day with gratitude - before you lay down to sleep, reflect on the moments you lived with purpose. I do this by journaling every night. Make sure to acknowledge the intentional choices you make and express gratitude for them.

Remember living with intention doesn't mean our lives will always be smooth or perfect.  You can bet your bottom dollar there will always be challenges, you will get distracted and be tempted to do something else. But by committing to be mindful and move with purpose, you can create a life that feels rich and fulfilling on every level. 


Start small. Take one step at a time with intention and watch how it transforms not only your actions but also your mindset. When you move with intention, you don't just get things done - YOU MAKE EACH MOMENT COUNT!

Sending you love, light and positive vibes,

Cassie K.

"Always remember to LIVE life to the fullest, to LAUGH at everything and to LOVE unconditionally!"

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